Hello beautiful people,
How are you?
Life is good! I like to keep you all posted on what I am doing out in the world but this post has a greater intention. This is not a post just to tell you about where I performed or where I am performing.
This is a post to encourage you. It is an post about connecting to your heart, setting intentions and following through to allow your dreams to come true.
Allow me to explain by painting this picture. As a little girl we watched the Crystal Cathedral service on TV EVERY Sunday morning. My parents put this program on faithfully and I would watch all the amazing singers and musicians perform on this program and thought how amazing it would be to sing on that stage one day. Many years past and last year I decided to take my family to see the Glory of Easter. I wanted to see this amazing production everyone had been talking about and finally see this Cathedral up close and personal.
Glory of Easter was fantastic so I took them back to see the Glory of Christmas. When we went back the second time we took the tour and learned all about the land, buildings, cathedral and artwork there. Now both times it was exciting because I grew up on the Crystal Cathedral. You should have seen me
walking into the venue with the ticket in my hand looking for my seat while doing 360's to admire the beautiful space and all the cute animals that were in the show. As I sat in the chair and watched each show I reflected back on my childhood dream. I started thinking again about how it would be so nifty to sing there. I told my mom I would sing there one day and left it at that.
Today, I post here with a picture below of just that! I was called to sing at the Crystal Cathedral this past weekend for one of the most beautiful services I have ever been a part of. It was for such a genuine and special family. It could not have been for anything better for my first performance there. I thank them for the opportunity. I was so honored to be a part of this special service.
This is a picture of me after I performed and the venue was cleared. We had to stick around after the performance because we just had to take a picture of this beautiful proof that we were on this stage:). It was awesome. My pianist was so excited too because of all of the amazing pianist that have played on the piano there. :)
I hope you take this post to heart. Know that whatever you really feel in your heart you can do. I really want you to know that if you really have something in your heart and take action steps towards your dreams they can come true :). For some of you the Crystal Cathedral is not a big deal to you and that is fine however it is to me! It was important to me and my pianist. So, I ask you what is your Crystal Cathedral?
If it is to perform somewhere, if it is to develop a project, get your dream job, become a great mother or father, be the best wife or husband, to take a trip you always dreamed of, to heal the relationship with yourself or someone dear to you.... WHATEVER IT IS AND WHATEVER IS IN YOU HEART TO DO...GO FOR IT! :) Set the intention and follow through with action steps that will take you closer for your dream to come true. DREAMS CAN COME TRUE! :)
Live your life purpose, experience joy and peace and allow blessings to come in your life!
Peace and Blessings,
Oya :)
I'm proud of you Oya. The Cathedral is beautiful. I didn't know the history behind it but when I saw the pic i thought wow Oya's peforming there...impressive. And you may have missed your calling!!! I felt like i was reading an exciting novel and i'm inspired! I'm going to make some dreams come true!
Your Uncle
Oya, Oya Oya,....
I am so proud of you. I truly understand the big deal of the Cathedral. There is so much to be said about living your dreams. I know what a challenge that can be, but well worth the effort. So, I am too inspired and will get back to working on mine, you know what I mean. Love you girl! Keep inspiring me. Davina Douthard
Dear Oya,
We've never been to the Cathedral, but having read your story it was just like being there. Papa & I are so very proud of you conquering this world with positive actions no matter how negative everyone else is around you. You inspire others to be the very best they can be.
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